on a high

I think I’m strange in that I get some kind of crazy high from being too busy and things being too hectic and having that need-to-get-7,000-things-done anxiety. So I love this time of year. I have so many things to do – it’s freaking awesome.

One of the things that we’re doing (and I hope I don’t spoil any surprises here because I have no clue if anyone I know besides myself and my husband reads this) is trying to save money on Christmas gifts since we really do need to save our money for the adoption costs. So I bought some glass mugs and wine glasses at IKEA and I’m etching images and names to personalize it. I’m having so much fun creating these (I’m still learning, and I’ll show a practice one I did). I hope that everyone likes them.

My practice etching.

Really horrible transition here but, Chloe’s new favorite movie is Lion King – so lately when it’s time to eat we hear, “I’m so hungry I could eat a zebra.” She’s become intrigued with the whole eating zebra thing so we’ve been telling her we’re eating zebra stuff – we had zebra noodles for lunch.

One of the things that makes me really happy is that Steven is looking forward to being in Vietnam, even though we know that we are a long way off. I went, gosh, I think it’s been 7 or 8 years, for 10 days. I loved it. After this last vacation we are a little concerned about taking Chloe. It’s so weird that plane rides when she was a baby was almost a piece of cake. Now that she’s a toddler, she’s more easily frustrated from having to stay in a cramped spot for x amount of time – add to that the throwing up and screaming because she couldn’t pop her ears. I must admit that it’s purely selfish reasons for wanting to take her with us. I know that it will break our hearts to leave her for any amount of time and that’s hard on me. We’re still talking about it. I want to take her so bad. We have to see if that’s what’s best for everyone, especially for Chloe. It’s not as clear cut a decision as I had hoped.

Before I forget, thank you so much for the book suggestions – I’ll be getting them for Christmas!

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